Monday, May 17, 2010

Pass the Torch Camporee

This was my weekend! It was L's Girl Scout Silver Award project to have a camporee. Well, it was a HUGE camporee for 300 people! The weather was unseasonably hot! but NO RAIN!!!
The girls, mine in particular, did an outstanding job! I was so very proud of L. She showed real leadership skills and a wonderful ability to communicate with adults and children of all ages. L. was able to think on her feet and modify any activity to suit her audience and she really impressed me speaking to such a large group of people. The planning of the camporee and working with the troop has been overwhelming to me at times and I am so relieved to have it over! Great experience but won't need to repeat it- at least for 7 more years!! This was the last camporee for my oldest and the first for my youngest. I had all 3 of my troops there. It was definitely a memorable weekend for us all!

1 comment:

  1. So cute. Wish I had a Brownie! Although, I would probably be in your shoes and have to plan one of these events!
