Maggie participated in an art show at our favorite bakery- Delicious! In her art class, they all drew pictures of cakes and then they were displayed at Delicious. It was very exciting and her big sister came home from college to see the show too!
I am a busy mom of three beautiful girls! I do tons of driving (not by choice) and running around (not for exercise, unfortunately). I love to bake but not cook-go figure! I like a clean house but don't want to spend all my time doing that! Love to scrapbook but don't spend all my time doing that either. I am crafty somewhat, enjoying knitting, usually in the evenings when I watch tv with my husband. I LOVE to travel and do that often! I LOVE to read and do spend too much time doing that, but hey, there could be worse ways to waste time. I am always doing something-that is all I know for sure!