Friday, October 22, 2010

Skate Night at IP!

So exciting to M. when the school has "Skate Night"! I offered to pay one of my older girls to take her but my oldest was sick and the middle one reminded me that she took her last year because I was out of town. So that left me-since dad was out of town.
We went at 6:30 and stayed until 8 because I told her all 2nd graders had to leave then. She had a ball!! Skated all over, participated in the chicken dance and surfing contests. The hottest thing last night was a glowing pacifier that all ages had stuck in their mouths. When you suck, it glows. Super weird and I REFUSED to let M. have the $4 novelty that will make you look like a baby and ruin your teeth. Such a bad mommy.