Monday, November 8, 2010

Good Eats!

Found the most fabulous dish this weekend. It was so good, I made it three times! It was lunch on Saturday for K. and I, then dinner for me on Saturday night (home alone with only my 7 year old), and then brunch on Sunday after church for K. and I again. DELICIOUS!! I took thick slices of country bread and made cheddar french toast with thyme (key ingredient) served with yummy cooked thick slices of tomatoes. The french toast batter is heavy cream, two eggs, sharp cheddar cheese finely grated, salt, pepper and THYME. Soak the slices 1-2 minutes per side and cook over medium heat in a skillet adding a little of the cheese left in the batter with a fork to each side. Cook until golden brown on each side. Wipe skillet then add a little olive oil and a thick slices of tomato, salting and peppering each side. Cook 2 minutes per side and serve along side the cheddar french toast. Oh So Good!!
And K. cooked up some good eats for her soccer buddies who were playing (and winning) the 2nd round of the State Championships!