Friday, July 9, 2010

Two down and one to go. . . .

My baby turned 17 yesterday and left for camp for 5 weeks as a junior counselor. It is nice and quiet here with only one. I miss spending her birthday with her but she did squeeze us in for lunch the day before she left. I have heard from her twice already and have a list of what she forgot so we can bring it up to her on Sunday when we bring our youngest to camp. She may be gone but we will see her plenty because camp is close and she will want me to do her laundry. So beginning on Sunday afternoon I will be footloose and fancy free- for 5 days. My husband is calling it a "staycation" as we vacation at our home. I am looking forward to NOT COOKING at all. I am planning on trying out new restaurants in town, exercising, going to the pool just to read my book and doing yoga at least 3 times. It is shaping up to be a good week! Will keep you posted.
P.S. I am still writing to my camper everyday and trying to email everyday, so with 3 gone it takes up a lot of time on the correspondence alone!