Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor day excursion!

Went away with my husband last Wednesday through Sunday. He had a meeting so I tagged along. We went to South Beach, Miami, Florida.

It was smoking HOT!! High humidity every day coupled with high temperatures. Thankfully we stayed at a really nice hotel that had the air cranked. I was most looking forward to his speakers' dinner at the Versace mansion. Well it was nice but was so EXTREMELY HOT that it was hard to enjoy. The men there were soaked through (visibly) and the women were not much better, even though we were wearing a lot less. The home is now an exclusive hotel to the rich and famous. It is located on Ocean Drive in the middle of all the hubub. After this dinner we then went to the Delano. This was my top favorite spot in South Beach. It was beautiful with dark hardwood floors, huge columns and billowing white tie backs. And they were serving a delicious lychee martini- for $17! We opted for inside instead of out on the veranda after sweating through dinner. Fabulous time! On Friday, I went on a sailing adventure in Biscayne Bay on a 110 foot catamaran. Had my buddy, Kim, with me and we sailed, swam, saw dolphins and even got on a water trampoline. Fun afternoon together (with 70 of our closest friends, ha ha). So mostly I just read and basked in the sun around the pool. Went running once, but it was too hot. Went to the beach once, but it was too crowded. Started a new teen series The Hunger Games by S. Collins and finished the first and started on the second. Nice little way to end the summer!