Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We can check that one off the list!

One of M.'s goals for the summer was to go bowling. Unbelievably she was dying to do this!! So on Saturday there was a Girl Scout bowling event. I signed up the family, then 2 opted out (yeah, K & L). So I let M invite a friend and we all went bowing. The shoes were awesome- slick, 2 toned, and funky. Add the "missmatched" socks of M. and you have got a look, maybe not a good look, but a look. Then we proceeded to pick out the balls. This was crucial we were told. So we finally found one for everybody. I went for a cool green one that weighed 8 lbs. M. and her friend go blue swirl ones that weighed 6 lbs. H. got a huge 15 lb. ball. (I 'm not going to mention the tasteless jokes I was subjected to about his ball). My first ball was a gutter ball. Bummer. But I did get better, even getting a strike and a couple spares. Ultimately H. won by ONE point. I was not happy! We bowled about 13 frames total then the girls totally lost interest. I think their little arms were exhausted. By the last frame it was the ball leading the way- even into another lane! It was a fun outing that we can now check off the summer to-do list!! Went to Yum Yums for hot dogs and ice cream afterwards.